pet hygiene ringworm

Buster’s Vision Education Tool

Pet Hygiene & Ringworm

By Nandini Muralidhar, “Adopt, Rescue, Love Forever”
Editor, Meet Gulati

December 22, 2017

Pet Hygiene

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Learn about Pet Hygiene and YIKES… Ringworm too.

My little ones want a playmate at home for companionship and entertainment. But more than this, owning a pet will teach them responsibility and additional chores.

Our four legged friends can make our lives happy and full, but they can also make them messy and dirty. They can pass on some infections and diseases to people although it is a rare occurrence. So, pet owners need to be careful with the pet’s hygiene and their own health.

Primary diseases which can be passed from animal to people:
  • Ringworm: a fungal infection of the skin that can be passed on from dogs and cats.
  • Toxocariasis: an infection caused by worms found in dog and cat faeces that could lead to blindness primarily in children.
  • Toxoplasmosis: caused by a parasite found in cat faeces which is the second leading cause of death in the United states from foodborne illnesses.
Ringworm from Dog
Baby with Ringworm
The most common way to get these diseases from a pet is by being bitten, or by close contact with its faeces.

Keeping these diseases from surfacing includes practicing simple and good hygienic guidelines.

  • Thoroughly wash hands before and after encountering a pet’s pooh or their litter tray to ensure it does not spread parasites and germs the animal may be carrying.
  • Keep pets off kitchen work surfaces to help reduce the chances of spreading germs and disease.
  • Always make sure you are using the pet’s own food and water bowls to keep the germs away.
  • Don’t let the animals sleep on your beds or even in the bedroom, even though it might seem fun.
Pet Disease Prevention

Like humans, pets can experience skin conditions that may cause redness, itchiness, odor, and even wounds. Many skin conditions however, can be prevented with routine bathing and grooming. Dogs require regular bathing and grooming depending on their skin and coat. However, most cats do not normally require bathing to maintain a healthy skin. If you notice any abnormalities with your pet’s skin, reach out a veterinarian immediately.

Pet Ear Cleaning

Most pet owners maintain the pet’s skin and coat but forget to keep their ear healthy. This is another important part of proper hygiene. Dogs, which swim a lot are prone to ear problems. Use cotton balls to clean your pet’s ears. Never use Q-tips. This can lead to ear damage.

Clean Dogs Ears